Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Next - The Microsoft System Configuration Utility (aka msconfig)

The System Configuration utility is a very handy application when it comes to stopping a program in its tracks.  With this, you can see which programs start up with Windows, and enable or disable them accordingly.  To use it, (for Windows XP users) simply open the Start menu and click on "Run...". Then all you need to do is type "msconfig" into the little text box, and click on Run.  For Windows Vista / 7 users, the process is similiar.  You will need to open the Start menu and just type "msconfig" into the search box right above the Start menu button, and press Enter / Return.

Now, you will see a "System Configuration" window, with the following tabs across the top; General, Boot, Services, Startup and Tools. The main tabs we will be using are Services and Startup.  Under the Services tabs is a list of services the computer uses during its operation.  A lot of these are vital for the system, but there are can also be hidden dangers running in these.  If there is a problem with your PC, be sure to check the box saying "Hide All Microsoft Services".  With that done, you will be able to safely be able to try disabling certain programs and seeing if there is a performance increase.  If a problem occurs after this has been done, you can easily re-enable something the same way.

Next is the Startup tab, this one is a little bit safer to play around with and perhaps a bit more useful.  If you notice your computer is running slower than usual, it may be because there are too many applications loading up when Windows starts.  You can safely disable any / all of the applications in this list, if something stops working correctly, simply re-enable it.  Another thing to check for is strange program filenames.  Often there can be a virus operating in the background of your computer, without any change in performance at all... After the change has been made, hit the Apply button, then hit the OK button.  You will be prompted with the option to restart the computer now, or restart later.  It doesn't matter which one you choose, the next time the computer boots up, the changes will be effective.  After it has started up, you may be greeted with a message box, about the changes that have been made.  This will continue to pop up until you check the box at the bottom of it, so it knows not to start up.

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